2021 Garden Contest Winners Announced Once again this year, our judges were delighted to view the creative efforts of enthusiastic resident gardeners excited to show what they can do and grow. Our 2021 Garden Contest…
2021 Garden Contest

Bedford Park Residents Organization
… your community voice is more important than ever before!
2021 Garden Contest Winners Announced Once again this year, our judges were delighted to view the creative efforts of enthusiastic resident gardeners excited to show what they can do and grow. Our 2021 Garden Contest…
Ted Butler, BPRO President, with his dog Rocky. Photo credit: Steve Ilkiw In our July newsletter, BPRO President Ted Butler wrote an article explaining why the proposed development for 3180 Yonge Street is just one…
BPRO President Ted Butler met with Robin Martin and representatives from her staff in early July. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure MPP Martin was fully briefed on the proposed development for 3180…
n July 2021, the developer behind the proposed 3180 Yonge Street development effectively abandoned the City planning approval process with a direct appeal to the province even though the City’s planning approval process is not…
Block of retailers on Yonge Street where the new development is proposed. Photo credit: Craig Smith Ever since NYX Capitol Corporation first made their 3180 Yonge Street application, BPRO recognized the significant issues with the…
Yonge Street, looking south to Lawrence, circa late 1800’s. Photo courtesy Toronto Public Library Digital Archives. It’s a beautiful spring day in 1850, so what could be nicer than walk up Yonge Street, starting at…
BPRO president Ted Butler followed up on the May 3 Community Consultation Meeting by sending a series of letters, including an open letter to residents with his thoughts on the meeting. In addition, he sent…
On Monday, May 3 at 7 pm, the City of Toronto will be hosting a virtual Community Consultation Meeting regarding 3180 Yonge Street, at Woburn. Please plan to attend. Your attendance is important. Registration is…
ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN: What we’ve done so far NYX Capitol Corporation first made their 3180 Yonge Street application in November 2020. In March 2021. The application went before the North York Community Council, where planning staff…
The Atkinson family poses outside their store at the northwest corner of Yonge & Lawrence in 1894. Photo on loan to the Toronto Public Library from the Atkinson family. In the five years following 1846,…