Marlene Bryenton, a mom in PEI, is desperate to get her 39 year old son back home so she can get him the help he needs. He is suffering from mental illness and has been…
Weekly Market Update – August

Just a reminder that the amazing farm market over on Avenue Road across from the Esso and Tim Horton's is going strong. Our family visited last week and picked up the biggest radishes I have…
Community Yard Sale

Dear Member/Resident of Bedford Park I am very sorry to inform everyone that as a Board we weren't able to coordinate the set-up of the Yard Sale for this coming Saturday. The good news is…
Weekly Market Produce Update

MARKET UPDATEA BIG THANK YOU to everyone who attended the Market last Saturday. The day was absolutely perfect and this Saturday promises the same.Each week through the summer we will provide an update on incoming…
Mayoral Candidates Meeting

Special Invitation for Members FoSTRA-FoNTRA-OCADU Candidates Meeting Thursday, June 1st, 7pm OCADU Auditorium, 100 McCaul St The Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations (FoNTRA) and the Federation of South Toronto Residents Associations (FoSTRA) are inviting…
1882, St. Germain farm included an Old Orchard Grove

Photo of the Alfred H. St. Germain house is courtesy of the Toronto Public Library Digital Archives. The 185-acre farm of former Toronto publisher Alfred St. Germain may have had a Yonge Street address, but…
Upper Avenue Community Market

COMMUNITY MARKET STARTS MAY 20TH PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE KICK OFF TO OUR 2023 COMMUNITY MARKET Market will run each Saturday until October Opening: Saturday May 20, 2023 Time: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm…
2022 AGM Recap & Comments

Dear Members As mentioned in the previous posts we have pivoted to a more nimble method of communicating using this blog type method. Comments are welcome and can only help to improve the system. There…
Community Improvements

RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS FOR AVENUE ROAD Due to recent development approvals, funds are available for community improvements. The 3 residential associations which abut Avenue Road between Lawrence and Wilson Avenues: BPRO, Upper Avenue Community Association (UACA)…
Update on Bill 23

Dear Neighbour and BPRO Supporter I just wanted to personally reach out and thank you for your continued support. We have heard from several of you that our communications to the broader membership has been…