Dear Members
As mentioned in the previous posts we have pivoted to a more nimble method of communicating using this blog type method. Comments are welcome and can only help to improve the system. There has been a lot of talk about all the development applications in our neighborhood and surrounding area. For those of you that attending last year’s AGM in November this might be repetitive but for those that missed the meeting I am posting my remarks. The focus of my discussion was primarily on the major development sites in our area. As updates are available I will be using this frame work.
Ted Butler
3180 Yonge Street
As many of you know, an application was made to the City for the block between Bedford Park and Woburn (excluding the TD building at south end) to build a 12 storey condominium.
In late January of last year BPRO and LPRO (acting jointly) were granted Party status before the Ontario Land Tribunal for the purposes of being involved in the mediation between the developer and City. The negotiations between the 3 parties occurred in late April and early May and we were not permitted to disclose the elements of the agreement until the final Planning report was presented in September.
Residents were well represented by the City’s legal and planning teams. The Lytton Park Residents Organization was also a great supporter throughout the process. I must say that having Naomi Faulkner, a professional planner, on our side was a great benefit to the community. Several of the negotiated changes were of her doing.
Through mediation we achieved:
- A reduction of height equal to 2 floors
- The building pick-up and drop-off relocated from Yonge Street to the back of the building
- Balconies no longer protruding beyond the outer walls
- Reduced massing to create more of an angular plane
- A Pet Relief Area relocated to back of building
- Pushed for making the rear service lane way to be one way north bound
In the end, we feel we got more than we ever would have had we gone before a full hearing at Ontario Land Tribunal and spent the money required to be there.
Friends — The rules for development in Ontario and Toronto have changed drastically since our last annual meeting. The Ford Government is committing to having 1.5 million homes built in Ontario in the next 10 years. This goal can only be achieved by making major changes to the application and planning process. Based on our successes and our non-NIMBY approach we must ensure that groups such as ours remain at the negotiation table. New development proposals both in Bedford Park and in North Toronto need the participation of constructive review by its residents!
Bedford Park contains many properties likely to be redeveloped with higher density buildings on both Avenue Road and Yonge Street. Housing Crisis aside, we still need to ensure that new development is sensitive to the existing community. Our City Councillors, MPPS and MPs must be reminded of the consequences should they decide to exclude communities from the approval process. Your Voice – Our Voices Matter!!
1670 Avenue Road (on the west side of Avenue Road by Cranbrook) also resulted in a fair and positive outcome by having BPRO work with UACA team which represents residents living west of Avenue Road. A reduction in height, more in line with the Avenue Study, was achieved. Again, another example of community involvement that may be restricted with the new rules of engagement as laid out by the Province in proposed legislation.
Construction of 250 Lawrence is quickly moving toward its full height. Next steps will be exterior walls and glazing. Last year, I spoke about traffic concerns and I will admit that after several discussions with the team at Graywood, they made arrangements in a professional and safe manner by using dedicated security on site daily to manage both traffic and pedestrians walking past the site.
Pusateri’s Site
We reviewed a new rendering it too is on the slide from First Capital but are waiting to receive the full submission. We are hopeful that current traffic issues from the site will be resolved with a new road providing access from and to Lawrence Ave.
We are hoping with the help of volunteers that the Yard Sale that has been on hiatus for three years will be back! We are also working on some programs and events that support local neighborhood businesses to return in 2023
The Multi RA Avenue Road Committee as mentioned in Naomi’s report will include both residents and business owners working together to utilize development fees for items which beautify and improve our shared neighborhood’s focusing on a re-design of Avenue Road.
Once again, the Board is very aware of community safety issues along the arterial roads that surround Bedford Park. Sadly, we have had some tragic events of late involving pedestrians and we feel we need some traffic safety measures implemented, on a level that will help meet the City’s Vision Zero initiative. This will be on the agenda at the BPRO Board’s next meeting and will continue to be looked at throughout the year.
Finally I would like to thank all the members and volunteers of BPRO that help and support us when we put out the call for action. The letter and email campaigns have been well supported and I can tell you the effort is noticed and makes a big difference.
As our Board Membership Secretary, Doug Baxter mentioned in his update, we are into renewal season again and we need our membership to faithfully renew annually. We also need the membership base to grow and expand. So please help us out by renewing and spreading the word of BPRO to your friends and neighbors within the community.
Last year was very busy and this coming year will again be a busy one as we go forward managing all the points of interest that have just been laid out – and no doubt more will pop up and require our attention. I encourage all members to engage with our organization via email or the Facebook group so that we are all better connected and to ensure that this community’s concerns are being addressed properly.
Thank you very much for your support and don’t be shy if you want to volunteer for something – please let us know!