Within Bedford Park we are dealing with the major redevelopment applications at the Pusateri’s property and 3180 Yonge Street, as well as the new condo construction, currently underway at 250 Lawrence Ave West. Each project raises big concerns with us regarding their impact on traffic patterns and congestion around the neighborhood.
Pusateri’s Site
This site is proposed to have an exit onto Lawrence and another onto Avenue Road. The developer is in ongoing discussions with the City about how they will be designed and who will own them.
Everyone in our neighbourhood has witnessed the traffic and pedestrian problems at this intersection for years. BPRO is advocating strongly for properly metered access and egress that accounts for pedestrian safety in a way that does not exist at this site today. We have already had a pedestrian fatality at this intersection and certainly don’t want another.

3180 Yonge Street
This application is a big issue, as reported in our cover story. Regarding traffic specifically, we are extremely concerned about potential vehicle access to underground parking from the laneway immediately next to the TTC entrance on Bedford Park Avenue. This narrow laneway is also adjacent to Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. No consideration has been given to the constant flow of young students, pedestrians and TTC patrons.

250 Lawrence Left Turn

Left turns were never allowed when exiting the former medical building’s parking lot. The developer’s position is that the site entrance will be moved slightly to the east, thereby negating the previous no left turn bylaw. Unfortunately, this key issue was left unresolved following the LPAT hearing.
Imagine considerably more traffic, including service vehicles from the large condo building, making left turns onto Lawrence – a street that is full of frustrated drivers backed up at all times of day well beyond where the new entrance to 250 will be. This is a recipe for disaster. We’ve had a pedestrian fatality on this section of Lawrence and don’t want another one here.

What Can You Do?
BPRO will continue to advocate strongly on the above issues. Our efforts will be strengthened by concerns expressed from individual residents as well. Please email your opinions to:
- Mike Colle, Councillor Ward 8, councillor_colle8@toronto.ca
- Matt Armstrong, City Planner, armstrong@toronto.ca