Community Improvements


Due to recent development approvals, funds are available for community improvements. The 3 residential associations which abut Avenue Road between Lawrence and Wilson Avenues:  BPRO, Upper Avenue Community Association (UACA) and South Armour Heights Residents Association (SAHRA) recently came together to recommend to Councillor Colle that these funds be used to improve both the appearance and function of Avenue Road. 

Specifically, the associations recommended that landscaped medians be installed in the centre lane along with a gateway feature at both Lawrence and Joicey Boulevard identifying the upper Avenue Road community.  Space for left hand turns would remain.

The associations also recommended creating one or more green “pockets” fronting Avenue Road which would offer seating and areas for trees and other plants.

A bike lane pilot project was also recommended for a local north-south running street. 

With community support, BPRO hopes that these recommendations will be implemented by the City.  Please let Councillor Colle know that you would like to see Avenue Road become a more attractive street.

You can send a direct email to Mike by clicking the link below and following the instructions on his website.

Thank you for participating!