The City of Toronto released their Preliminary Report regarding First Capital’s development proposal for Avenue Road and Lawrence. The report can be seen in our previous posting on September 1.
The purpose of the Preliminary Report is to outline the development proposal, specifically as it relates to existing City regulations and policies, and to identify which aspects of the proposal will be assessed.
This report is on the agenda of a meeting of the North York City Council on Thursday September 10.
We have already communicated to First Capital, the City Planning Department and to our Councillor, Mike Colle.
Today we sent a letter to North York City Council, in collaboration with our three neighbouring resident organizations, in advance of the September 10 council meeting.
It is still early days, but our intent is to demonstrate to all concerned that we are collectively engaged and watching, ready to get involved as needed. Our letter to Council can be read by following this link: Letter to North York City Council.
The next step will be for a Community Consultation Meeting to be scheduled. This meeting will be organized by City Planning staff in consultation with Councillor Mike Colle. It will give everyone the opportunity to ask questions and provide input about the proposal. First Capital and the City Planning staff will take all the questions and feedback they hear into their bank of input, and this is what will ultimately inform any changes for a resubmission.
Of course, BPRO will be there together with our neighbouring resident associations. We will post the date and details about the meeting here as soon as they are known. The earliest this meeting will be is October.