Membership – Update

We had a tremendously successful response to our official launch campaign the week of January 14th,  2019.  Over 8% of our catchment area signed up.  Thank you!  It’s validating to know there is such interest in the community and we’re confident it will continue to grow with your support and involvement.

Thank you to those who became official members of BPRO.  If you haven’t yet supported us financially, we hope you will consider this now.  We are entirely self-funded by the residents of Bedford Park.  Our membership dues are reasonable at $40 per household, or $20 for seniors.  You can pay online with a credit card or mail a cheque to our P.O. Box.  Details can be found on the membership page of our website at

In addition, please tell your neighbors and friends about us.  The more members we have, the stronger our voice.