Bedford Park will see a new, small park established once the 250 Lawrence condo development is completed. It will be located adjacent to the Douglas Greenbelt and the Privately-Owned, Publicly Accessible Space (or POPS) on the 250 site.
Over 70 people attended a virtual meeting about this new park on March 24. Currently in the conceptual design phase, the park is slated to be open for our enjoyment in Spring 2023.
Please click to see the presentation from the meeting, which provides orientation and considerable context for the new park: New Glengarry Avenue Park Presentation
Plenty of opportunity was given for questions and feedback at the meeting. If you were unable to attend, and even if you were, please complete the City survey to provide feedback about what you’d like to see in our new park. Let your voice be heard.
Please complete the survey, which will be open through April 11, 2021.
Check back here, or at the park’s website in April/May, for refined concept designs based on initial feedback. There will be an opportunity to respond to a second survey at that time.